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It was still the best way to definitively end the war. Look how difficult it is for us to stop a gang of terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan. In some cases I think the use of the bomb is justified if it means saving American's lives, Iraq and Afghanistan being two of them.

The rounded number of the new iPad at 7 inches makes me highly doubt it. If they said there was going to be a 6.89-inch display it would be a lot more believable, shame on whoever made this up.

@Pressure: This seems like bullshit, why would either company cripple their service in such a way when you have alternative options? If Google changes their search to give better results to "Premium customers" then people will go to Bing. If Verizon cripples their internet people will go to Broadband. Neither of

@MrZook: That brought a tear to my eye

@MayorBloomberg: Its like when I say, "Sure I'll still love you in the morning". Whatever gets the job done

Why should people even care. This is like Communism. You set out with a sole decision maker trying to decide how many shoes people will need and ultimately you do much worse than capitalism and free markets.

Sony unveils its new 4D video camera

@Possums: Well they pretty much got typecast and couldn't find any other acting work. Its rough to have so much success so early in life. I blame society, they were just victims of circumstance

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"And couldn't nobody diss my homie, Damn I miss my homie, Pour out a little liquor" -2Pac

@truthtellah: Probably stock that they can roll up with

"The wild isn't pretty. I'd rather see it real than all gussied up. When I see a poster of a big, beautiful air-blown lion galloping toward me with a mane that looks better than my hair, I feel cheated."

@N7: I just hate how the Discovery channel pretends animals all attack and kill each other. In truth, they all live pretty peacefully together under a monarchy. But you know violence gets ratings so they single out the few bad seeds and act like its everyone. Hakuna Matata

@SKiTz: Hip cats that are over 40

Won't Apple just close that Wifi sync loophole? Or is it a functionality that iTunes has to leave open for some reason.

Luke, I am your father

It can't be sanitary to slide my hand into someone else's used sweaty, wet glove before I play with my pole, I'll pass. Oh baby I like it raw

@WestwoodDenizen: Well at the very least they could work on banning stoning first, no?

@Monty: Last I heard they were saying the T-Rex might have been a scavenger instead of the killer that we grew up loving. Pretty soon they'll be saying he was a sexual predator [www.theonion.com]