
I bet in the next commercial that little fish dies since its obviously is a cold water fish since it lived at the bottom of the ocean. Being in the warm water for an extended period of time will probably be its undoing. I guess that's like the people that leave Verizon or Sprint to get an iPhone and then realize that

I think mine spins counterclockwise when its transmitting data to the outside world, I'd unplug it but it feels so good

@zukny: I read tons of books on the iPad and I have no eye strain, Goodreader is awesome for PDF books. I've had eInk devices (Sony and Irex) and I sold my two iRex devices on eBay after getting the iPad because its so much easier and quicker to read on it. Sure you can't read outside with the iPad but I'm not really

@vinod1978: Because the Kindle DX is in black now, of course. I heard this was designed by the same team that worked with Microsoft on the Kin to stop those teens from wanting an iPhone

If it could fit into my EEE PC 1000 I might buy one. I'll have to wait for someone to do it on youtube so I can know how its done. Pixel Qi Netbook + Ipad = Who need the Adam

Wow won't this be fun to explain when someone asks to see your iPad...

@drmrw: The team that gave the go ahead to the Kin while blocking the Courier should be taking out back and shot

@FriarNurgle: The best I think we all can hope for is that they take some of the awesome concepts of the Courier and work them into WinPho 7.

All this vaporware messes with my allergies. So any updates on the release date of that Notion Ink Adam while we're at it? A few days after Plastic Logic maybe?

Im really surprised Palm has to beg people to develop for them, I figured once they announced their WebOs printers developers would be tripping over themselves to develop apps for them. Come on who hasnt wanted thr internet on a tiny screen on their printer? I mean now that is the future

@seven5suited: O and it looks like the boys and girls at XDA have already rooted this update so everyone with a rooted Evo can breathe easy again. Now if only they could come out with that Froyo already at Sprint so XDA can get a full version working, that'd be money

@xyglyx: "We'll cut our dividend over my dead body..."

Very cool, I used htcevohacks.com to root my Evo last night, it took me about 2 hours because I kept rereading the instructions over and over to make sure I wouldn't brick my phone. I ran into a couple of problems but in the end I got it done and Wifi tethering is a reality!

@Nick: Like I always say, a mouth's a mouth

@A.Jaswal: Its so you can make sure you're all cleaned up back there

@tipTI: If you try to cheat in WiiFit your really only cheating yourself

I can't wait for 2 years from now when Apple releases this thing and does it right. Forget it being for video games slap this in a PC with some good controls and I'm game for movie watching, web surfing, computer browsing, etc. I picture myself as Tony Stark zooming into google maps where I'm the little guy on the

Engadget shows that Gamestop has the Kinect for preorder at $149. Good luck with that...