The current generation Pilot looks dull AF. Prefer the box to the melted candy bar.
The current generation Pilot looks dull AF. Prefer the box to the melted candy bar.
The only local drivers who still ride at 55 are New Yorkers camped out in the left lane of the Garden State Parkway.
Yeah but then the bankruptcy lawyers will be upset. Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the lawyers!
Often “save some money” and “have some fun” are mutually exclusive. I didn’t save any money in my 20s because I was too busy having fun :-/
I was thinking the same thing. I always kept the manual in the glove compartment and I thought that’s the majority of drivers did the same. However, the last three used vehicles I purchased were all missing the manual. What do you people do with your manual???
He may be a moron but he was wealthy enough to buy a new Caddy.
Yeah the large bags are $10 at my local supermarket and are a solid deal for decent coffee. My Dad worked at his local A&P supermarket in the 1950s and has been drinking Eight O’Clock Coffee ever since.
I brew my coffee every morning around 5:30 am with a French press that I received as a gift. Even eight O’Clock coffee is light years better than Maxwell House, which to me tastes like the grounds have been sitting open in a warehouse in Miami for 8 weeks. However, I buy whatever supermarket coffee is sold in whole…
Wow, he looks like a fascinating fellow. I will investigate further. Thanks for posting.
It’s a great little phone but the demands of the iOS really suck the battery life in a short period of time. I can’t get more than 3-4 hours of light use out of my SE, and that’s *after* Apple replaced the battery.
I am having the same problem with my iPhone SE, even after receiving a new battery from Apple. Within 2 hours of light use, my battery is down 50% or more.
Gotta pay for college somehow!
So now is not a good time to change my name to “Block Chain” eh?
Great story but I’m pretty poor. I own a pair of durable boots though.
I had a sore throat for a day, a fever for another and then sores on the palms of my hands and feet that cleared up for a week. TBH the disease was really at its worst for 36 hours and then was tolerable afterwards.
I’m surprised no one has mentioned shoes. I’m as stingy as they come and I used to buy $10 shoes at my local KMart until I realized that those flimsy things would fall apart after a few weeks of regular wear and provide poor support for my feet. I may visit Dollar Tree and Harbor Freight regularly, but I definitely…
Good advice. My $17 bargain-bin PSU died a few months ago. Ordered a 450W EVGA and so far everything is back to normal :-)
The University of Notre Dame has had an on-campus bar for decades. It was once known as the Alumni/Senior Club. The building later went upscale and was renamed Legends:
“doing shots” and “Nepal” brought this to mind...
To a New Yorker, this may be the bigger crime...