I doubt most Americans could name a single Canadian province.
I doubt most Americans could name a single Canadian province.
I would like to see some of his outfits enshrined in the Hockey Hall of Fame.
I wish you success in your endeavor to reveal what this sleazebag is up to but I hope that Papa Bear doesn’t use his own money - or that of a wealthy sycophant - to shut you down as was done to Gawker.
Pork Roll=South Jersey
Ugh I have a coworker who keeps track of everyone’s comings and goings and enjoys commenting on such.
Pffft that is a pleasant Spring afternoon in Quebec!
When I close my office door at my off-site job, that means I am *really* posting on Kinja and prefer not to be bothered by my coworkers.
I heard the term “the Blue Route” used since that highway was under construction in the 1980s. I don’t even know what that road’s interstate number is.
Wednesday! Hump day? Whatta pleasant surprise! Thanks for making my week! :-)
Since it’s South Jersey, they are probably covered in Pork Roll.
I thought we were celebrating Meh Car Mondays on a Tuesday.
I do my best Kinja posting in the afternoon.
The NRA is correct when they state that criminals will always be allowed to get their hands on guns. Especially with a credit card and a visit to their local Cabela’s or Bass Pro Shop.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯should replace the bald eagle as our national symbol.
Yeah I had 16 years of Catholic school and I worked for the Church and this rabbit stuff is news to me. Now if you’re talking about beavers or capybara...
No not really. I am middle-aged, deep in debt with no clear path out and my career prospects look pretty stagnant as I slope downward towards old age. What happens in Washington or on the TV news seems a trillion miles removed from what I worry about every day.
This may be the closest I could ever get to affording a trip overseas.
This may be the closest I could ever get to affording a trip overseas.
That is probably the most action a Notre Dame student ever received from a girl.
Did you drive 36 hours straight without sleep?
NJT trains can top 110 mph between New Brunswick and Princeton Jct.