And only 99 cents for a big cup. It’ll do.
And only 99 cents for a big cup. It’ll do.
Asking directions in Rhode Island can be tricky, because, inevitably, the answer involves turning left/right at Dunkin’ Donuts and with DDs every 500 yahds in the Ocean State, the answer is “Which Dunk???”
I must be getting old. The 90s feel like it ended 10 years ago.
Bite your tongue! Plaza was the best character on Legion.
I tell my coworkers “please repeat what you just said into my hidden lapel microphone.” That usually puts a stop to things.
You posted your comment after lunch, you monster.
I have a relative who enjoys showing me snippets from the local police blotter and crime reports and points out that those arrested were have predominantly African American names and hail from our local big city with a long history of crime and racial unrest. I honestly don’t know how to answer him, as I was a victim…
I noticed that two of these stories involved the purchase of a used Audi.
I’m not sure who loves to discuss their interests more: vegans or triathletes.
$450 is peanuts to your typical triathlete. I think they spend that much on a bathing cap and goggles.
It is far cleaner than it was in the 1990s, when the organizations like NYCSwim required immunizations before you can dip a toe in the river. The tides in the Hudson are strong, so the water gets flushed out thoroughly.
Whaddya mean “were?”
Two hand-me-down cars I received from my parents:
Wine, chocolate and butter. Sounds like the perfect meal!
I use the latter dish. Unrefrigerated, unsalted butter usually lasts a week in my house. No one has gotten sick or died to date.
Maybe NYC needs a new Sanitation Commissioner.
$100k doesn’t go very far in NYC and its suburbs.
I can’t imagine any public official speaking up for these garbage collectors in this political climate. At best, the issue will be met with a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and at worst, they’d be crucified by the NY Post.
I heard that it is back in fashion.
All they needed were a few doses of RadAway.