
People keep saying “Brady probably did something,” but on the basis of what? The Wells Report might as well have come out of Pyongyang.

If they don’t call it the B’Gosh, they have failed.

I blame Jalopnik for your comment. The company is losing money right now. Not a secret. But when guys like Patrick decide to distill an entire company’s P&L sheet to the sale price of it’s sole product without taking in to consideration the development cost going in to future products (Model X) we end up with misinform

What is this, an interpretation of the rules for ants? The official’s judgment must be at least... three times bigger than this.

D 7...Miss

Ouch.. right in the tax dollars!

“Leave me alone, I know I made it here in 30 minutes.”

This is just terrible journalism. Florio spelled “hospital” REALLY wrong.

Saying he was sucker punched implies Smith didn’t throw any punches which I find hard to believe. Most likely he threw some but most of them landed 10 yards past Enemkpali or out of bounds.

Geno Smith: “Ikemefuna Enemkpali”

The Daily News is also reporting that Tom Brady is solely responsible for a new hole in the Ouzonian layer.

*Swipes iPhone up to turn on camera* [Cannot Take Photo. There is not enough available storage to take photo]

Remember, when loading your vehicle, heaviest stuff goes on top. Gravity gets weaker with respect to distance away from the earth so the higher up it is, the less it weighs. Its science

Man, Macgyver has really fallen on some hard times.

Reports from Philly call-in shows are that he’s showing signs of being Crip-pled.

“Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads”