
Fully 40 percent of online users have experienced bullying, harassment and intimidation, according to Pew Research. Some 70 percent of users between age 18 and 24 say they’ve been the target of harassers.

Fully 40 percent of online users have experienced bullying, harassment and intimidation, according to Pew Research. Some 70 percent of users between age 18 and 24 say they’ve been the target of harassers.

Justin Blackmon made this same video, but instead of a PSA it’s a segment from the next season of MTV Cribs.

What is this, a bomber for ants? It will have to be at least 3 times this size!

No. Fuck that guy.

I used to play pretty seriously. The rules are simple. The main goal is to achieve “The Queen’s Errand,” or have the most netted balls by the end of the crow’s watch. If the pepper is placed in your path, you have to wheel the cranberry using only the poetic side of your bike. The lines on the court indicate the

“the fire moved through the firewall”

What are the odds of BOTH parents dying at once? Even if something that awful DID happen, you’d have the perfect sitcom pitch. “What happens when two selfish MILLENIALS have to care for seven grief-stricken orphans? HILARITY! That’s what.”

Wow, Urban Meyer is one selfish son of a bitch. As an employee for the State of Ohio you would think that he would act in the best interest of the state. Yet, he still sits, all cozy in Columbus, refusing to lend one of his three stud QBs to the Browns.

just having the owner not being a serial killer from a Craigslist ad is a big plus

BTW, not sure if a tie and a jacket would have helped matters.

He didn’t want to Chang them.

In a tit-for-tat move, Blazer has placed FIFA on The Naughty List for life.

Day: What the fuck did I do?

Are we not going to talk about how awful of a shot this guy was? Looks like he was getting dragged around by an invisible St. Bernard.

I’m no gun expert, but that looks like some really bad form.

Good thing they have all that extra cash laying around for cool shit like this.

“Let's go to Phil with the live shit... I mean shot....about the woman who was shot.....I mean shit... and killed."

KN: [reads Doug’s joke]