
Usually the Temple of VTEC has a pretty accurate model matrix that lays all of that out. And HRAO works on a lot of projects at once.

I already responded to someone else with a pretty good hint...

I'm not going to just blatantly reveal industry secrets, but the car has been reported about on Jalopnik. I was referring to the car that would be built at the Indiana factory, not Honda as a whole; there are countless number of cars that are developed and studied around the globe.

I'm completely serious, once I found out the Type R was moved away from the Indiana plant, and heard about the next car we'd be doing... Time to move along...

Here's the data to do the actual comparison...

I think a good comparison would be the markup for a Tesla Model S vs. the markup on the Mustang. Without looking, I don't know if the Model S is officially on sale in China, but Musk specifically said that the Model S would be priced so that it covered the cost of shipping and whatnot, and not tack on extra money

Yup, how we would / could do the hatch in Indiana was a big concern item. On the main line poses multiple ergonomic concerns... A new sub-line = $$$$... And by hatch I mean the actual hatch, the fifth door

...Canada has pretty similar regulations to the US so if it meets Canada's standards it will not be hard to make it meet the US standards.

That's basically what is done, the Si is mid-level performance, and the Type R is top of the line.

I would say with almost absolute certainty the 5 door is still a go; it's the Type R that I have my doubts.

Can we all agree that Deflategate is a much better term than Ballghazi? I can't believe how many media outlets like to make puns with Benghazi forgetting the fact that Americans were killed.

There is a very specific line between the Si and Type R, no matter the vehicle you're talking about. Long story short (and others I'm sure can find the references) but Si's are about performance without compromising comfort. Type R's are about performance without compromise.

I'm no longer with Honda, so my information is dated, but a NA (North America) Spec Type R was originally going to be built in Indiana alongside a 5 door variant of the Civic. Then the 5 door got moved to Canada, and along with it, the Type R.

What would really make these the business is if they were drive on. You'd have to have a special jack that could lift from 2-3 inches from the ground, but if these were drive on for lowered cars, it would be brilliant. Granted the price would have to go up another $300ish for the custom jack...

I completely agree. You have a car that is considered 'too fast' by all racing communities. So you just get to drive it around, by yourself, on an empty track. What bar or standard do you measure yourself against? If you compare yourself to the lap records at the tracks, aren't they pretty much set by inferior

What I'd really like to know is if I can buy this car for about $20k in 10 years? That would be super!

I believe there was an article on Jalop a while back about these... They're PAX tires (also used on the Honda Odyssey for a couple of years) PAX tires require special equipment to mount and dismount the tires, and for the Veyron tires, it was even more specialized equipment. I remember reading once that there were

So this post is all well and good, but what are the chances of a follow-up post on how ridiculously difficult / expensive it would be to actually buy something at this auction and have it shipped to the states?

Wasn't there usually a website that would always cover the booth babes... err booth professionals from each event like this? I'm picturing her looking like Sara Walsh on ESPN

Since ILX production has shifted to Marysville, expect the ILX to inherit / borrow a lot more tech from the Accord / TLX. All of these changes were planned well before I ever caught wind of the production shift, but it's funny we never really saw the writing on the wall.