They seem to have found themselves a franchise goalie in Jones, which these days seems to be 80% of the equation.
They seem to have found themselves a franchise goalie in Jones, which these days seems to be 80% of the equation.
have you ever seen basketball players fight? of 4 major pro sports, i’d gladly get in a fight with a basketball player over any other sport, by a wide margin. their reach is their only advantage. they all flail around like fools when actually trying to fight. also, they seem to get injured insanely easily and are…
Dude, if Lebron loses this one, he will never live it down. How little confidence does the NBA have in him that they have to suspend the guy guarding him. We are going to lose in the Olympics because this dude is pretty soft.
Right? Step over someone as they are getting up (after knocking them down) and get blamed for hitting them in the nuts.
I don’t wear a tin foil hat. I line my hat with just a little bit of tin foil- it’s not the same thing.
Nah, this is because in the GSvOKC, GS needed Green in the line-up to extend the series to seven games. GS would have been toast without him. Now, with GS on the cusp of winning the title, the NBA needs Green out for Cleveland to have a chance at extending the series beyond game five. Thus the suspension.
All things even, Lebron is the one who put his balls on Green’s head. Very rarely do I agree with Barkley, but Lebron was asking for a cup check with the step-over.
NBA really wants to see that Game 7.
This is bullshit, right?
Seriously? You think Dray is the asshole here? James cheap shotted him and stepped over him, of course Dray got pissed. Then a quarter later James cheap-shotted Curry and then ran his mouth, trying to bait him into a foul. Cleveland knows they can’t win, so they’re taking the most untouchable guy in the league and…
Lebron might be built like a tank, but he has the toughness of a man who drives a Kia
James is the biggest crybaby in the series and I would absolutely love to see him in a fight against Green. Green would absolutely destroy him. James is a physical specimen but one thing he definitely isn't is a fighter.
a trade was fabricated to get him out of the division and into the minor leagues, they asked John Scott to tell fans not to vote for him & they asked John Scott what his 5yo daughter would think.
Whatever, as a parent of twins, you have no idea how valuable a prize this is.
Bettman should thank whatever God he believes in that Scott didn’t club him over the head with the trophy and then run over his body with the car.
A Browns quarterback has the job security of a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.
I like that this post finds this silver lining in stupidity and hateful ignorance of Kim Davis. I long for the days where I no longer have to hear about her. She's a fuckin' butthead.