As a fellow Canadian, you should learn what goes on around the world and not isolate your mind.
As a fellow Canadian, you should learn what goes on around the world and not isolate your mind.
Disappointment is a bad feeling, sucks implies the product is bad. If you have played the game to the point of beating Adamantoise there had to be a reason for that correct? We’re at the point where we have a skewed view of what “sucks” and we throw the word around far too much.
Hi, I’m Chris Kohler, Kotaku’s new Features Editor. I’d like to introduce myself to you by talking about how much I…
I don’t know, his son might become President of the United States some day if he keeps throwing temper tantrums about meaningless shit whenever he doesn’t get his way.
But it will be exciting to reforge the Master Sword from its broken shards, so that Ned Stark can reclaim his throne from the evil Lord Voldemort in Narnia.
Congrats you’re an idiot.
By that logic all the PlayStations are bad and they should have just made PlayStation Plus free because that’s WAY MORE expensive than what Nintendo is offering their online service for. Ditto for Xbox. And that logic also means all the ads we see are for bad products and services. The NES was bad. The SNES was bad.…
I usually don’t tolerate “I wish games were cheaper” comments, but the whole, “why don’t you just have money?” counter point is even worse.
Spoiler: It’s actually a version of Cooking Mama with Ignis as the star.
Depends how big they make it, but it could expand beyond that, too. Maybe you have to play as Ignis lagging behind everyone while Noctis keeps trying to run ahead and Gladio yells at him to slow the fuck down.
Gladio - when he disappears in Chapter 6 or so
Uh, right. Who’s arguing against that? All I’m saying is I’m stuck with a choice between food or a video game this month.
The Last of Us GOTYs
Read. The. Article. Before. Commenting.
There will always be some bad players, but there’s always the potential for there to be a lot more bad players.
You didnt like FF7? I agree on FF6/9. FF8 was an abomination. It sucked, the story, the game, all of it.
There’s nothing wrong with a development team listening to fan feedback and implementing it based on what those fans have to say about the game’s shortcomings. I enjoyed my playthrough of FFXV and had similar complaints to what Tabata addressed (Chapter 13 was annoying and overstayed its welcome despite being an…
Again I don’t think FF15 is perfect. I think that it is good. I think they have done better (FF6,FF9). and I think they have done worse. (FF8,FF Mystic Quest)