I agree that Clinton seems the most immediately ready, but as a European I have to say that Sanders would be the best president ever. He’s so... reasonable, and seems to actually care about important social issues.
I agree that Clinton seems the most immediately ready, but as a European I have to say that Sanders would be the best president ever. He’s so... reasonable, and seems to actually care about important social issues.
Like you, I will avoid all GOP nonsense and preserve the awesomeness of her White House visit.
...they get home, start unpacking boxes. Cut to the bedroom: he opens a box, takes out a robe, it has the White-House seal embroidered on it. He looks up, she’s a bit shocked, staring at him. He says “What? They’re not going to miss it, besides, it’s for you” handing it to her. She opens her packed box, takes out an…
On a completely shallow note, she looks GOOD for 106. I’ve seen 80 year olds who don’t look half as good as she.
Perpetual single here - if this is a real story, what exactly does this relationship bring that would make you put up with even 10% of this?
Wouldn’t that be DTSFA?
You could remake Night of the Living Dead with goats and they would still be adorable.
“You have to give death a chance”? That’s so metal.
My husband’s grandmother at her 100th birthday party (attended by the city mayor): “I don’t let them give me flu shots. You have to give death a chance.”
I remember once my mom suggested a cousin temporarily take my baby while I lived in a no-cats apartment. I was like, "ARE YOU INSAAAANE? HE IS MY BABY AND WE NEED TO BE TOGETHER!!!!"
That makes me berserk, we’ve owned three third hand cats that idiots adopted. One of ours we found starving and full of ear mites, living on landscaping bark. The vet said she was close to death when we brought her in, we fixed her up and found her a home, but she cried the whole time, so she came back to us, she's…
This is almost entirely off-topic, but this precise concept was what bothered myself so direly about the killing of Cecil the Lion.
I lived with a girlfriend for 4 years, we had adopted a cat, dog & turtle who were all abandoned. She got a great new job in another state, we were looking for places but nobody would let us take all 3. She said we should give them up. It honestly shocked me she would say that, instantly in my head I thought “Bitch,…
Our curmudgeonly old boy passed unexpectedly last night. We came home to our door wide open and still locked. Nothing was taken but somehow (strong winds yesterday perhaps) our door was wide open when we got home. We found our cats and got them inside safely. Our pup however was not so fortunate. I found him lying in…
I’m whiter than chalk and generally ambivalent on Beyonce, and I thought the song was pretty good, the video was powerful, and her performance at the Super Bowl kicked ass. Unfortunately, I’ve had to explain why it’s not anti-cop and not “totally reverse racsim” to more than one equally white facebook friend though. :\
Most white people have no opinion about this song. Of the white people who do have an opinion, most are listening to, requesting, and/or purchasing the song. Don’t believe Gawker that there is some sort of organized race riot... the story here is invented for clicks.
Yeah I don’t get that either. To me, Beyonce as a Black Panther is as credible as Rage Against the Machine as Cuban revolutionaries - i.e. not at all.
Moments like this I realise I live in a very sheltered liberal bubble. Maybe it’s living in NYC but I don’t know a single person who got offended or felt threatened by Beyonce’s video. Also, who the hell are these people? The video and song are catchy and yeah the political elements are there but they’re pretty light…
LOL, true. To be fair to ‘em, I luckily was with a guy who did know how to be considerate with it, the time I had a really huge one. He always made sure to prepare me and all, but still it was too much after a number of times. When it comes to men, give me an average-penised dude every time!
Remember that time I kept getting told I had pneumonia and my back pain was “unrelated” and we don’t know what’s causing it, but take some Aleve we guess, and then I was diagnosed with STAGE IV CANCER? hahahahahahahafuckyoudoctors