Vans are never going to look “good.” But neither are SUVs. I’d take this over any dumb ass fucking SUV ever made. They’re all ugly. At least this is actually useful and frugal.
Vans are never going to look “good.” But neither are SUVs. I’d take this over any dumb ass fucking SUV ever made. They’re all ugly. At least this is actually useful and frugal.
They still wouldn’t price the car by converting MSRP currency. Why would anyone buy a $45K Focus ST when you can buy a $25K GTI? Profits and market dictate the price but currency can have an affect on each of those.
Converting currency of MSRP’s is not how cars are priced.
Defensive driving = Left lane campers.
I probably would be running to trade mine is as well.
Lol. Ok.
It’s painfully obvious she’s referring to AIPAC spending money with congressman who they see as favorable to Israel. Anyone who reads further into is exactly as you said, harboring subconscious prejudices themselves.
Ariana Grande is just as difficult as her name portrays her to be.
I mean, are we really surprised someone who married Donald Trump is as dumb or dumber than Donald Trump himself?
Yikes. Someone who prefers Nissan AND GM?! Now that’s some low expectations!
People THINK originality is derived from mass produced goods. But it’s not. Having the only yellow iphone in your group of friends doesn’t make you original. It makes you 1 of 10 people to have an 1 of 10M yellow iphones in the world. Big fucking deal. Same for shoes.
Hey, you, just go away.
The enjoyment is pure materialism. I have something someone else doesn’t.
Nothing says original like mass produced shoes sewn by a child in Indonesia.
You can send me a pair of Yeezys. I could use a new pair of lawn mowing shoes.
So how much did GM pay to have this article go up AFTER the Ford and for theirs to include towing and torque figures and for Ford’s to not?
How the fuck do these people think the country currently runs if they don’t think it’s democracy heavily laden with socialistic ideas? What they are so scared of is and always has been integral to the United States. All that needs to happen to make the country better is for the rich to pay a smidge more.
While they don’t look bad, I don’t think I’d even buy these if they were $100.
In my eyes, the NFL as a whole, is an organization that doesn’t want fair football but rather wants a product that creates drama to bring people to watch their product. Specific games aren’t rigged for a specific outcome, but the whole league is, therefore every game is rigged.