Bud Tugly

Yeah, sounds like I don’t want to switch.  

If you are willing to throw caution and warranty to the wind

How is this 1.8t compared to the 2.0t? I currently drive a Focus ST and 270 lbs ft is something I think I’d miss.

Will you make it in manual?  

I’m a little confused. If tariffs are for stuff coming into the US, then why is steel from the US more expensive for US companies?

Why am I being such a petty asshole over a stupid TV Show?! IDK!  Don’t take it personally.  

My reasoning is that the writing on TG for a good few years was stale at best - since it’s essentially the same people doing GT, they’re probably more of the cause than Amazon, which had nothing to do with the BBC show

So you’re reasoning as to why it’s not corporate america micro management, is “because you say so?”

Wow. That’s one of the most ridiculous playing of the race cards I’ve seen in years, decades perhaps.

What the fuck!  Mitch the bitch is married to a Taiwanese immigrant.  Get the fuck outta here.  Deport this cunt.  She’s taking jobs from Americans!  

They are definitely better than the original trio today (good lord has their Amazon show been a slog).

At first they were all bland.  He was the odd man out.  So of course he’ll be more reserved.  Harris thinks everything is awesome.  That’s just a different kind of bland.  

He may as well be a coffee table.

While Harris was the obvious success (I genuinely love his personality and presenting style), Reid was a damn close second.

They came up with this in order to provide a way for their insurance companies to increase insurance rates across the board.


Don’t project how I should parent my kid onto me.

So what’s your end game here? The caste system? If abuse of power is simply fear, and not actions, then one would need to separate the levels of power with a societal construct. Lewinsky has said time and time again that she was not coerced, it’s not up to you to decide if she was abused by power or not.

As a brewers fan, I Wish this were the case.  Unfortunately I don’t think Counsell is about that.  Add in the fact this is the NLCS.  Maybe next year....

Nice higher heals and tighter clothes than our girlfriend, Elon.