1. Would he have gotten in as much trouble if he would have stated 420 per share? Instead of $420 per share? 420 = weed not dollars.
1. Would he have gotten in as much trouble if he would have stated 420 per share? Instead of $420 per share? 420 = weed not dollars.
I had to wait 15 years for my first clam.
The company is adamant that it’s pronounced “echo-sport” as opposed to “eeko-sport.”
This wasn’t a penalty kick though. This was one of five penalty shoot-out attempts.
Actually he is right. This was not a penalty kick; a penalty kick occurs when their is a foul in the penalty box. This was a penalty-shoot out attempt. Shortened to penalties.
Wait, people actually stuck around and listened to Kanye during his rant? Did no one walk out?
Thanks. Very informative. :)
Please elaborate. Genuine curiosity.
This has been available for 5 years now...
What type of labs are they?
HA! You’re so optimistic. Like people will know what the quotes even mean.
I disagree. I also work in a field that would also be derided as “basic.” My boss runs a plastics analytical, mechanical and molecular, lab for our company, 1/3 the size of Steelcase. Our lab was nothing close to 1/3 of $111M, more like 1/10.
Or the fact it’s not grown men/women acting out child fantasies. It’s so much more enjoyable for me to watch an animated superhero movie than to watch Frederick Famousman parade around in capes and tights.
I’d agree with you if he was working for a highly technical company where the technology used to run the business adheres moore’s law. He was running an office furniture company.
Sorry, this was the back seat.
Ryan, check out Jim Hackett’s and Steelcase’s, where he was CEO for 20 years, wikipedia pages. He appears to be severely ill equipped to be running an automotive manufacturing company. Anyone can count money. Not everyone understands what goes into producing cars. It’s becoming apparent he has not a fucking clue about…
My boss has a MKZ. If they take any headroom away, they’re going to need bulges in the roof for people. I’m 5'11". My head was touching the ceiling.
Because they’re out of touch, old, nincompoops.
It’s also a prank my friends and I played FIFTEEN YEARS ago in High School. If you look at the ringed fingers you get a slug on the arm.
You were just so wrong I thought you were trolling...