
All I got out of this that I didn't already know was "American Gods is in development". This, of course, contradicts what Gaiman said, which leads me to believe that somebody's trolling.

Plants. Vs. Zombies. Comic.

There are two answers to that question: No, and Bricken is trolling you.

About as much as a certain character who is in the video not being dead anymore, most likely.

What the hell did you expect?


You might be too young to remember the summer of 1998, when it topped 100 a couple of times in northern WI, and most of Texas had highs above 100 for a month straight. This isn't anything unprecedented.

By all accounts, he loves acting, but hates being a celebrity. Remember, this is a guy who was a carpenter to make ends meet until he got the Han Solo role (that's actually how he met Lucas before being cast in American Graffiti, by building cabinets for the guy).

If by "no longer make war on each other" you mean "have a planetwide military dictatorship", then it's possible.

Sounds like the old "98% of scientists believe in global warming" stat.

The term "Hispanic" was invented by the Census Bureau in 1970. Before that, they were mostly identified as white (apart from 1930, when "Mexican" was separate) in the census.

It's a Gawker site, therefore the crazies run the show when the shit starts flying.

The cops had bad witnesses and a judge who clearly favored the prosecution (to the point where a conviction would've been overturned). ANYTHING ELSE IS IRRELEVANT HERE, no matter what you left wingnuts try to say to the contrary.

Even that WW2 performance has to be put in the context of the hell they went through in the first war.

Most of that North American land was territory that they claimed, but had no actual presence in. For example, the area south of the Ohio River was controlled by the "Five Civilized Tribes", and they didn't really bother with the Great Plains apart from a trading post or two on the Missouri River.

There's an argument to be made that modern US is going through a "last days of the Roman Republic" phase. This would mean that the "empire" is just getting started.

I've never "faked" mental illness...but I have exaggerated my Asperger's a couple of times, most notably when I ignored the progress I had made in dealing with my Asperger's over a few years to get out of Navy Nuke School and into another rate. That went a little further than I wanted (sent home completely), but it

Another thing that he may have said (really, he might've said it):

Heh, that would almost be interesting.