
Here you go.

This is Gregory XIII.

That wouldn't stop Jews or Protestants from doing it.

The "Thriller" video was a short film. Seriously, 13 minutes?

Dresden Files got good in Book 3, and didn't really start dropping off until 10 or so.

This was a deep water fish, there is no "release" there. It was dead before it broke the surface, due to its swim bladder bursting.

*Looks at Elysium entry*

Merry and Pippin were first cousins through the Tooks, so you're almost forgiven.

Brandybuck...He played Merry BRANDYBUCK.

I don't know what's broken with the site, but this comment just showed up on my RSS feed.

He's 88, and his oldest son's on board with milking the series dry.

Here we go again...CO2 has been going up for 200 years, and faster in the past 15 than in any 15-year period before. I get that. However...

The correct answer is another question: People who tune pianos or devices used to tune pianos?

That's been shitcanned by Gawker management, so not until he goes to another site.

Dude got FILTHY rich from Honey I Shrunk the Kids (and the sequels...and the ride...). Add in that he's still getting residuals from Ghostbusters and Spaceballs, and he's set for life.

Black Widow's already been in two (soon to be three) movies, why not give her one of her own?

This is John Stossel, who was an award-winning journalist when he worked at ABC. He's in the Ron Paul branch of libertarianism, without the batshit crazy.

Illinois is on a card, and the second roll out of jail is decently likely to land you on red.

This has been known for years...

Just wondering...does Gawker employ editors? At all?