
This explains most of my votes (including MST3K over Fringe, and SG1 over BSG), with the only one that involves two shows that I watched every week going to the obvious, because fezzes are cool.

I never watched Fringe, and have no desire to. Didn't find out about the show until I had pretty much stopped watching TV regularly, I don't have a DVR (because broke college student), and "other methods" are blocked here.

The Mountain raped and killed the Viper's sister, and brutally killed her children (yes, I know that one might be alive...). That's all the understanding anyone should need to get why Oberyn would want to take on Gregor Clegane.


This gets impossible when it comes time to explain the Creation. If God did it, then you have failed to keep them separate. If he didn't, then there's little reason to believe He did anything, meaning there's little reason to believe in Him at all.

Well, yeah. This is CPAC, after all.

Yay! My state's normal!

Because Bricken.

They hit that point during the first season...

Believe me, there were awful periods in there. Colin Baker, anyone?

Even that went downhill once Alda started going behind the camera. Not terrible, but not nearly as good as it was.

You guys put Eureka up against TNG? WTF do you have against the Last Good SciFi Show?

Emphasis belongs on the "longer" part of that sentence.

You can edit your posts. It's that little arrow next to the "reply" button.

That one might be a browser issue. Here's a hint: if you're using IE, stop.

Don't be too sure...it's up to #28 for me.

Yeesh, tell us how you really feel...

Doesn't look like it, and that's not the point of the map. It's showing what it's like now, partly so we know what parts of the ice are most susceptible to warming ocean currents.

It just started on Jalopnik. This is a Gawker-wide thing, just like all the other redesigns. If a simple redesign is the reason that you leave the site, then you shouldn't have been here in the first place.