
Those moons are freaking tiny. I doubt they'd be enough to cause any meaningful tides.

There was a .5% county sales tax increase to pay for the last round of renovations to Lambeau Field. That's all the Packers needed, although I would assume they would've tried to get Madison to kick in a little if the team weren't publicly owned.

I'm starting to think he does this on purpose to troll us.

Which, in medieval-ish Germany (where the story was based), may well have been 14...or younger.

It's a Bricken article. This isn't anywhere near the worst thing here.


Someone could be drinking for him...

Reclaimed water, eh?

Umm...Predator 2? GTA: Vice City?


Carlos Zambrano is gonna be pissed...

The universe is...probably a closed system. The problem with that is that we don't have a single model for how the thing works yet.

She died before Crick and Watson got their Nobel Prizes, so they got all of the credit. They don't give Nobels to dead people...

Fucking Loch Ness Monsters...

Thanks, Obama.

The Razzies started off in some dude's living room. Yes, it's a joke, that's the entire point.

And...I've just found the argument for moving this from the top of my "To Read" queue to my "Active" folder.

If you showed this to me without the title, I would've thought that Rainier was erupting. It is a few decades overdue, after all...