
So brave.

"Should be"? It's been open before (most recently during the Pliocene epoch), and life did just fine then.

Now, I personally can't stand the fandom of this show (hell, hardcore fandom of any kind turns me off). However, I can see how this show deserves a place here. It's fantasy, it has a fanbase that overlaps with the readership of this site, and there's an interesting point to be made here...

I bet you never thought you'd be typing those words!

"Enterobacter could promote obesity in people with a high fat diet"

"possibly significantly named Rose and Crown pub"

Technically, Earth's formation was just a bunch of meteors slamming into each other...

I wouldn't be surprised if that one was held off until season 4. The Red Wedding was in the middle of the book, Joffrey's was at the end.

Considering that 40% of the country thinks all we need to know about anthropology is contained in one book...yeah, this sounds about right.

So, it's just been in distributor hell. Gotcha.

Marx loathed religion. Stalin replaced God with the State, with Lenin as the new godhead.

I would move 2 and 10 to the "Olden Days" category, and the 22nd to "Procedural Fixes".

Let's assume Europe allies with the US, because NATO. There's a LOT of major capitals and financial hubs involved there (off the top of my head: New York, Washington, London, Paris, Brussels, Rome, Berlin). That's too many capitals, and that requires too many bombs to take out without anybody knowing, and the NSA is al


This is a W80 warhead designed for the Tomahawk, with a variable yield up to 150kt. How much do you want to bet that there will be a bunker full of these things somewhere in the western US?

Then they call your bluff, you use the last one, and now you're up Sh*t Creek without a paddle.

People didn't actually get excited over Shaun of the Dead (grossed around $30 million, most of that in Europe). Also, being the first major comedy in a genre doesn't mean that it's becoming "comedy oriented".

Yo dawg...

Could it kill them to say "US & Canada" instead of "High-income North America"?
