As another said - get the uBlock Origin Chrome extension. On this page alone it blocked 26 ads from opening. That, and AdBlockPlus help tremendously.
As another said - get the uBlock Origin Chrome extension. On this page alone it blocked 26 ads from opening. That, and AdBlockPlus help tremendously.
cannot upvote this enough. I’ve been using it so long I don’t even know what the net looks like with ads anymore.
uBlock origin extension....
I am far too broke/in debt to afford to replace either my 07 Camry nor 08 4-Runner, and while reading this article for a moment I felt pretty damn good about my financial situation.
I know one thing scarier than the car loans - is the software behind this website. It takes a pretty crazy amount of effort to crash Chrome browser with ads. Somehow they figured it out.
At a certain point you just stop feeling bad for people. Buying too much car, paying 10% with a credit score over 720, investing in subprime loans. I just cant do it anymore. I mean this trend has been happening so long now, my empathizing cup is overflowing now and I just cant do it anymore.
It’s gotta be buyers who have the money to pay for cars like this, but don’t have a solid understanding of how much an loan is supposed to be or likely don’t care about the price as long as they can get the car. Which is, TONS of people actually.
Friend of mine got roped into a pretty high interest rate on their new…
There you go with reasonable facts and data to refute a story. Take your star. Still, this sure explains how so many people are driving around in $60k trucks.
It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see where things go from here — just a passing look at what happened a decade ago.
My wife used to have a 2006 Chrysler Town & Country. Every once in a while, with no warning, all the interior lights would start flashing randomly and the chime would ding over and over. Then it would stop. I think the outside lights participated, too. We never knew when it would happen and no mechanic, electrical…
At that range, no we don’t. 250 miles or go home.
Auto stop/start. From what I can tell it really doesn’t impact overall fuel economy that much and just makes for jerky starts at stoplights and stop and go traffic. It’s an automatic motion for me now to turn it off when I start the car.
Most cares are better with an automatic. In traffic, towing, commuting. MOST day to day activity does not need you to be fully connected with the car. you just need to get somewhere. Manuals are cool, but they are worse in almost every way compared to a modern automatic.
Reversing cameras and parking sensors, are they overrated?
In my ‘15 Durango, I’d say the least used function are the paddle shifters. I’ve used them in the mountains to better maintain cruising speeds, but for the majority of my driving in the Midwest they’re pointless.
I have numerous elderly friends whom are all multi-millionaires many times over, some having been early board members of a certain tech firm. I only found this out when the building that the non-profit museum we volunteer at was bought. Each of these guys forked over between $100k-$350k like it was nothing. These guys…
“Everything was very delayed, and our plate and registration took 4 months to get to us.”
Why would the cash need to be laundered if it’s legal there?