
I think you are on the wrong website

I’m actually confused as to why you are getting upvotes here

This has got to be the most generic looking vehicle for the American market ever made. It looks like the designers wanted to make it look like a Chinese knockoff of a Chinese knockoff of a Buick. It’s just so... there. 

I’m assuming it weighed less?

Once people understand that it’s impossible to be conservative and intelligent at the same time we might make progress

Republicans will never fail to do the wrong thing. My hatred grows for them every single day 

It also looks pretty good and doesn’t have a stupid name at all. If they build them people will come

On some of these cars, you label them as “good” whereas all evidence shows the opposite. The Forte is a great example of that. It’s a horrifically unreliable car and build quality beyond the initial experience is equally as awful. 

Lol Tesla wasn’t even a contender for this. At the very least, GM’s Supercruise is far more advanced than Tesla’s system

Dude just fucking stop 

I find it very funny that people like you exist

I will never buy a Kia or Hyundai. I never want to associate myself with people who make such poor choices

lol it definitely shows that you are from Alabama

Yep this is exactly right. It’s just fear mongering for conservatives who don’t have the mental capacity to do actual research 

In high school I had a third gen 4Runner that had some really unpredictable electric gremlins and I never put in the effort to fix them until it was too late. One night after a long day of finals and hanging out with a group of friends, I left a popular hiking spot to drive home. It was about one in the morning and

Pretty much everything Elon touches is a lie. GM will have real autopilot long before Tesla ever will, if Tesla even survives the next five years

Best article published to Jalopnik in years. I genuinely cannot remember an article this good in at least four years. 

My wife’s base model 2018 Equinox is the worst car I’ve ever had the displeasure of driving. The first two gears in the six speed auto actually feel dangerous pulling out into traffic. There’s just no way of accurately predicting how much it will accelerate or how long it will take to respond to input. I can’t wait to

Just another reason to hate cops. I have never met a cop who is an honest or good person, or who isn’t abusive in some manner

y’all are just relentless in your support for that clown. Sounds like the supporters of someone familiar