
Uh…he did kill Zod in John Byrne's run. This was already an established reason he doesn't kill.

This was on?

What has me worried is that Jeph Loeb is a producer.

So you all are just hate watching this now…


Bone claws? Fuck that shit.

You're overly optimistic. There's a reason Harry Zimm takes pride in the fact that he only makes movies.

Blomkamp to Kinberg: You're writing it? Yeah…no thanks.

Adam Sandler hates you.

Why do reviewers keep seeing this in 3D? This wasn't filmed in that format. Is that the only option as a screener?

How long until Card is caught in a public restroom sucking another man's wang?

Then I feel even better dumping this. Thanks!

This is the best marketing for Pacific Rim I've seen since last week.


I looked her up to find out if it's her character or acting that's the problem. When you get fired from the Twilight series, there may be a problem with your acting (but, again, the writing isn't helping).


But the Following has the excuse of a hack writer.

Sorry…already giving up on this show. Do I really have to lower the bar just because this is on TV? So disappointed in Vaughn.

Uh…you can talk and surf on other networks, at&t. There's a lot of disclaimers in this ad, aren't there?

Fuck you, Boy Scouts of America! Wait…that came out wrong.