
Meh, he was too Jewis anyway...

Why cant we just have the brit version. Us Mericans could use a bit of culture anyway

SUV'SSS What is up with those things, why dont they make them smaller.


I thought the only cars in NY where yellow and smelled like urine.

Maybe he can ride home with Hillary?

Jalopnik Costumer Sevis Slogan - Get Ur Jeep at Jaloopnik, then go F*CK Yourself.

Typical Giants Fan.

Hoonage that requires tallent.

@smokeydog001: I have two and I'm loosing my hair along with my sanity. I need them anyway.

This thread makes my brain MegaHertz

Save the Teslas?

What a D-Bag.

Some of the later v6 models where bad ass, then they killed it.

The Stereo and HVAC controls look very similar to my 08 GMC pickup. Just like Hollywood Detroit has run out of ideas.

It will be a great car for running over the homeless in Rio.

Sadly, one of the better looking cars built in 1977

Casa Del Fuego?

Hey, it's a Accamry

More Faster More Furiouser, AGAIN! The 4th Blood