
>nobody knows what exactly the components of it do
This is too strong a standard to use. For a lot of science we may not know exactly what the components of compound or preparation XYZ do in the body, but we can observe the effects they have when taken — and that’s good enough.
E.g. No one knew exactly what vitamin C

>Evidence-based, tested science is free of quackery by definition.

I think you’re underestimating the amount cognitive biases and bad statistics interfere with scientific results in medicine and health science. See:

I would tend to agree with you.
But the problem is that so much of “traditional” *western* medicine comes from a tradition that is equally steeped in bullshit. There are a number of treatments that have been accepted for years on the basis of confirmation bias and don’t have reproducible results.
Treatments that have a

The law denies agency to all minors, for drinking or driving or staying out too late...

There are typically laws that account for being near in age, like the 3 year rule, which is totally reasonable.

I don’t think the law is about why or whether you wanted to have sex with him.

Can I ask where you’re getting your statistics? My gut is telling me that there is a sampling bias — I suspect that unhealthy experiences are given more weight (as they should in a political discussion) and thus seem to be more common than they are. I would love to be proven wrong though, if you can point me towards

If I understand this argument correctly, nagging, begging, and being an annoying pest is considered rape by many of the commenters here.

All drunk drivers are potential killers. This is an attitude totally embraced by our society and people who aren’t considered crazy.
Most drunk drivers don’t intend to kill people.
Not having murderous intent doesn’t make it not a homicide though. (Legally it may get classed differently - e.g. as manslaughter instead of

Dude, I think this person is pointing out that your argument fails the universalizability test. It doesn’t seem like any women I know would ever agree with this point of view. That makes it incredibly suspect.

Hint: Those women are rational people, if they couldn’t be convinced to agree with this position then there is

Fuck you.
Fuck you especially.

No one has said women (or men) are powerless to suggest resistance.
People have been saying it isn’t their responsibility to resist. And it isn’t. It is the responsibility of anyone who initiates sex, or takes someone’s money to obtain consent for that before hand. Not doing so is a crime.


Thank you for this. I really appreciate this level of nuance.
I’m working through how I feel about a sexual experience I had this week that I would not have chosen to have, and I think there are aspects of what happened that I wanted and enjoyed, and aspects that I didn’t want that caused it to be something I wouldn’t

I have a (male) friend who went to a catholic school for a while and is pretty religious now. He also lost his virginity after telling a girl no and that they shouldn’t. (My inference was that he thought it was wrong for religious reasons)
When I found this out, I said I thought it sounded to me like it met the legal

Saying that what she experienced felt, or feels, like rape, and claiming it meets the legal definition of rape are two different things. Further, you fail to distinguish between actions that are “okay” and actions that are legal, or legally sound.
I’m amazed how common it is for people who believe in MRA talking points

Just reading you being a total asshat here has been emotionally taxing for me.
You see I’m trying to read insightful comments that lead me to a better understanding of a questionable sexual encounter I had less than a week ago.
And instead I have to try to scroll past you rushing, or rather charging headlong, to

Are you telling someone what they intended in a comment, while previously you had criticized that same comment for defining someone else’s experience?
What is your position on defining others’ experiences and intent for them?
Please answer because my head is spinning.

[Citation needed]

I agree. I don’t think teaching women specifically to be more assertive is going to solve this specific problem.
I am a man. I would describe myself as relatively assertive in a wide variety of circumstances. And yet, last wednesday night I found myself in one of these situations. I had a woman over, we had had sex

No it’s fucking not. Source: I am a man. I feel empowered by affirmative consent. It has lead me to have more, better, and more fulfilling sexual relationships since I have embraced it. I feel more confident engaging women, talking to them and being around them in part because I *KNOW* I’m not mistaking their

Why is that the end of the discussion? Is the law the authority on morality now? Would you have said “Wives cannot legally object to sex with their husbands. The end.” in 1900? What distinguishes your argument from one that (erroneously) holds that the law is the ultimate source of morality?

Phrased another way: Why is