
You know, it's possible to consider only violence against women in a paper or video and leave violence against men to a different paper or video. That's not cherry picking data. It's limiting one's examination to a specific question of interest.

Do you want her videos to be even longer? Are you willing to fund a

Dude, as an academic scientist, let me just say you're wrong. If you cherry pick data in order to support a generalized claim that you know darn well isn't supported by all the evidence that is available to you, then yes, you deserve to be banished from academia.
However if you turn a huge pile of difficult to

A trope is a trope even if it is subverted.

Not counting it would be like not counting a show that had violence in it as violent because it turned out that the show had a non-violent ending.

The fact that a straw feminist was used is all that will be seen by some people who view that episode — because some will always

As a man, and a gamer, and a feminist, let me just say you really really missed the point of Anita's videos.

Also she's using the word misogyny in a way you're probably not used to. Feminists often say "X is misogynistic" as a shorthand for "X propagates, advances, supports or encourages ideas that are harmful to

Except in the United States the government has repeatedly attempted to criminalize the possession of drawn images that depict fictional characters who appear to be minors. Such laws include the <b>Child Pornography</b> Prevention Act of 1996.
Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_sta…

I've been looking for that kind of testimony for a while but haven't found it. Can you link me to it? Or at least give me an idea how to search for it while minimizing my chances of finding something unsavory?