
Obviously you’ve never been to a comedy show or you are really fucking stupid. Does it hurt? I would think you would get a lot of headaches.

But Katy would win the popular vote.

You know if you can’t think of anything clever, you don’t have to comment. There’s no rule that says you have to comment on every article.

It must be nice to have such a simple mind. It probably gives you a lot of free time to do things like stare at walls.

Just twist it to however you want to see it. That’s what everyone else does.

I hate when people tell them to stop crying because I use their tears to lube my boner.

Awww. Aren’t you a fragile little thing.

You don’t know what literal means.

Give me a fuckin break

Yeah “he started it”. Same argument my 5 year old sister used.

Or just how hysterical and uninformed they are.

So you were cool with all their bullshit while you took advantage of all they had to offer, but now they want a dollar and you’re all outraged. Fuckin hypocrite.


Uh-oh, you besmirched the King! You are getting soooo banned.

Actually she fucked it up and then lied in her diary about it, so......

LOL. Trump help you write this? Seems like a lot of alternative facts here.

I’m glad someone could see through all the bullshit and finally get to the REAL issues here.

Typical violent liberal. Why aren’t you at the protest?


LOL. What are ya gonna do, Sparky? Type real hard? IN ALL CAPS MAYBE?