
Tears of laughter. Especially at the pug hopping up the stairs.

I... What?

I agree. I own a pair of "guy leggings" and I always wear long tops with them. anything else is just plain silly.


Yes, let's just the situation and their relationship between one another based off a short clip without any context.

It reminds me of the fad of "Happy slapping" we had when I was in school. I'm not sure if it was just a UK thing but this is awful.

I cried a little. This is awesome.

What an awful underhanded tactic.

I'm glad you had a nice experience of being able to say no in uni, but Christ on a bike, I know what you mean about the being given a tough time and stuff.

Coming from a uni student perspective, I totally know that feeling. I've often told flatmates or friends that no, tonight I will not be drinking and they look at one like I've grown three heads and usually say "But, you're a Student. You should want to drink." or try to coerce me into doing so by explaining how cheap

But no dogs have mermaid tails.

Well, that's okay too.

Even more super.

There are a lot of people in the world who have nothing. Faith in a higher power gives them one thing. You know what we call people who try to take away other people's one thing?

Sigh, autocorrect. I meant what's the wifi service/food like. Damn.

What's the wifi service likcarefulcareful

How many times would I have to follow him to get the chance to get into heaven? Being gay and all. Or is this a "go directly to jail, do not pass go do not collect two hundred dollars" moment for me? Asking for a friend.

LaComtesse, our Lord and Saviour.

Fuck yes.