I'm here for the drink specials

This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the

I have $2 on Toby Keith insulting the audience tonight, and blood spilling as a result. Five American clams says the current occupant of the White House manages to insult all three Abrahamic religions before the week is out.

I live in DC, and like most people here I have a whole lotta feelings about this administration (none of them good). I had dinner with some of my Mom’s friends as they swung through town the other night (they’re in their 80's) and their cousins (probably 55ish) when the question was asked, “So, are people here going

I hope the door to the plane opens, and blood just pours out like the elevator in the Shining.

Quit your job!

Do you work in Trump’s cabinet?

If they did that, it would hopefully only be prospective, not retrospective; so people who signed federal loans in the past with that guarantee would be able to still benefit.

I’m a government lawyer, and while I don’t personally depend on this, most of my co-workers do. I’ve seen a few people I work with jump ship to higher-paying private sector jobs because they simply can’t rely on the forgiveness program they were promised.

But let us also note that these pensions are fucked into a cocked hat because of my favorite tune in American politics: The Ballad of the Shitty Baby Boomers. It goes something like this:

I’m more upset about the idea of no more Melissa McCarthy skits.

“Oklahoma faces an estimated $878 million budget gap for the coming year”

Looking at that top picture, Jdepp is starting to get the face he deserves.

We need a special prosecutor, like yesterday. No way the guy who is going to replace Comey will be independent in the Russia investigation.

Nothing says “years of wedded bliss” like referencing a story that ends with “and then they both died.”

It’s probably not the first time she’s done this. Disgusting excuse for an educator.

You know as well as I do that isn’t true. Several of these “people” represent districts that have actively voted against their own interests for years. This won’t change a god damned thing.

The shear audacity of this, and to celebrate after, is fucking disgusting.

I don’t know, I feel like we keep saying that about various Republicans and it keeps not being true.

Trump: I don’t stand by anything.

The best way to handle Milo is to starve him of attention. Don’t voice outrage at his stupid statements. Don’t print interviews with him. Let him have his troll festival but stay away. Don’t have a counter protest, that just feeds the beast.

Two options: lock him the fuck up or give him immunity so he rolls on trump. Anything else is unacceptable.