I'm here for the drink specials

I just explained the notion of tacking “Electric Boogaloo” onto any sequel to my 7 year old in hopes that she will pass on this element of culture to her peers.

Riechshtagg fire 2 electric boogaloo here we come!

She stepped out of a line and all her bros went, “I don’t know her.”

Yup. Let this be a learning lesson to fellow conservative women. Ms Lahren did everything right to be a cool girl, she was one of the ‘good ones.’ She stepped out of a line and all her bros went, “I don’t know her.”

This will be a Subaru ad before very much longer. Retail history shows us this.

No one one is gay like Gaston,
No one is fey like Gaston,
No one can gather the hairy bears like Gaston.

From another article on CNN:

Also, maybe I’m reading the article incorrectly, but didn’t she actually do the stuff she is saying she would never do?

The only “fake news” is the notion that Trump is a competent manager or businessman. Politico ran an article today that basically calls him out for being a charlatan who pretends to be a great manager, but who is incapable of actually managing an apparatus like the federal government.

remember when Katherine Heigl left Grey’s Anatomy and was basically like “I AM ON A ROCKETSHIP TO STARDOM, SEE YOU LATER, SUCKERS” and now here we are

I feel like, in getting angry at these vandals, we aren’t taking their economic insecurity seriously.

This just shows you how isolated in their little bubble these people are. This guy clearly doesn’t know any trans people in real life; they are just some boogey-men out there that he imagines looks like John Cleese in a dress and acts like a sex-crazed lunatic. Faced with an actual, real-life trans person who just

How unfair to set bond at $2 million. Clearly, this guy already has enough economic anxiety.

The only moral abortion is my abortion. The only time I do not insult Obamacare is when my insurance is cut. The only time I promote gay rights is when my child comes out to me.

Omg fine I’ll share pictures of my Boston.


I’ll share a picture of my very good boy. This is Gary. He loves all dogs, especailly fellow Bostons. I bet Gary and Lennu would be buds.

The important thing is that white people in Idaho feel safe from Mexicans.

I started one of my babies on the piano at three months old as well.

“ paid 40 percent of its earnings to a traffic company that ran the unmanned speed camera system...”