
I'm really surprised that you think that the pathos Regina shows in the Fairytale scenes was real. As Gargantuan suggests, that was pretty clearly a long con to get the genie to kill off her husband.

Yeah, the metaphors were off the hook obvious this episode, but I definitely still bought it thanks to Goodwin and Dallas acting the hell out of this material. Give me more of them and less of Emma any day (yawn…oh, sorry what?).

Apparently you and I are the exact same person because I addressed the exact same issues in my recap ( A) Why the hell would you hire an amazing (comedic) actress like Emma Caulfield and then waste in a five minute role wherein she doesn't get to do anything.

We felt that this was a much stronger episode than last week's mine shaft debacle. Although it was disappointing that they didn't move forward with David & Mary Margaret, it isn't too surprising that he ended back with Kathryn since it's still early on. We were more surprised that Regina didn't have more to do with it