We’re picking up a 2018 Elite this weekend. They are not cheap, but there are few vehicles as practical for kids. It’s got a PA system for the back seats, I’m looking forward to bothering my family with that.
We’re picking up a 2018 Elite this weekend. They are not cheap, but there are few vehicles as practical for kids. It’s got a PA system for the back seats, I’m looking forward to bothering my family with that.
I forget which appearance it is, but the sketch where he’s at a reunion for a father-son body switch sitcom is very solid. “My therapist thought it would be best if I confronted you face to face.”
Shark Tank is the same way. The relentless American-dream, anyone-can-make-it messaging gets more ridiculous with each season.
Honestly, the remake isn’t bad at all--it only suffers in comparison. If you had never seen the original, you’d probably be pretty pleased.
Same goes for Tess of the d’Urbervilles. These were popular serials at the time, I guess. Seems crazy, but then I remember how popular The Handmaid’s Tale is now.
Infinite Jest gets thrown around a lot like it’s some impossible read, but it’s really not—it’s got great characters, it’s funny, and doesn’t go out of its way to alienate readers like GR seems to.
Jeopardy is definitely no HSASWDTKDTKTLFO (Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? Do They Know Things?? Let’s Find Out!)
I think he was the only option after Jonah Hill got thin and went serious.
Jon Bois’ Breaking Madden series was pretty great with this imo
You might be right; I haven’t seen either of them.
Pretty sure if all the members of the royal family stepped down from their “official duties,” everything would be okay.
I think the difference is one is a well-made adaptation, while the other cheaply apes better movies while offering nothing new or insightful.
The F-Type has always been a lovely looking car (less so with the new model), but paired with the XK140, looks kind of dumpy-fussy.
Agreed. I don’t really keep up with trucks (I had an 08 Ranger for a while that was very handy), but 45k for a base model 1/2 ton pickup seems insane to me. These are purportedly for working people.
Don’t forget Rocky VII: Adrian’s Revenge. Just so, so silly.
This is really solid.
It’s not an unusual reaction, by any means. But maybe, if you’re doing a press tour for a movie you’re in, either be very clear that you can’t be present for the playback, or get used to it. Because every show does this, it’s kind of part of the deal.
Numenor is on the Amazon map, so probably?