Electric cars require significantly less care and maintenance.
Electric cars require significantly less care and maintenance.
Most of us are already well into the boredom and self-destruction. Might as well have convenient transportation!
I’m so glad you went with the Ethel crossout.
Have you forgotten special agent Jack Bauer?
These are worse than outdated jobs. They are part of a system that is broadly worse for the country. Part of living in a decent society is sacrificing for the greater good. “But people in the insurance industry will lose their jobs!” is like saying “what about all those asbestos miners?”
That might be true, but it’s conceivable she’s pushing for this because it is a good and right thing to do that will help people.
Step back and think how weird it is for the prime minister of a foreign country (even an ally) to show up at a conference in the United States to insult individual leaders elected by actual Americans.
Thank you!
OMG I know this is an old post but please tell me where that is from?
I didn’t listen to the podcast, but I figured it was a commercial type toilet with no tank, and the handle broke almost completely off. Reaching in “to take care of the problem” is much worse, if this is the case.
“Tip everyone” is a bad policy and takes the responsibility of paying a living wage from corporations
By a lot of measures, we rank below a lot of “3rd-world” countries now.
Yeah there are mediocre shows on HBO, AMC, and every other network that’s ever produced something groundbreaking. I’m not getting the point of this article. Even if there are a million forgettables like Mindhunter, there is still a BoJack Horseman in the mix.
ABBAB. Always be berating and belittling.
The man’s worth $500 million dollars. It’s PF Chang’s duh
Thomas Friedman has spent years writing the same column for the NYT. He has a chat with a cab driver, wildly extrapolates that into some high minded nonsense, and then turns the column into a full book.
As a longtime amateur phrenologist, I am very glad Roger Stone has brought back discussions of skull shape.
I don’t understand this. Disney owns a bunch of adult comic book characters, but wants to have a kid-friendly streaming service that competes with Netflix. So now there’s no place for shows like The Punisher? Maybe this particular show was too expensive or whatever, but it seems like there’s a market somewhere for…
Some people find it rewarding to help other people in need. Calling it a “white knight routine” makes me seriously doubt you were ever a nice guy.