Portion Control Joel

I didnt know that, and Im glad I learned it. It didnt seem like threskos was trying to talk down to her or anything.

I saw her on L&O: SVU some months ago and it took me way too long to realize it was her.

Hes framing this like people are homeless because there arent enough jobs. I dont think people would object if it was something in the vein of the WPA, like creating work opportunities in rural areas. The problem is, homeless people are frequently not regular people who only need a job. They are vulnerable, mentally

Even the furthest left candidate isnt calling for the liquidation of the bourgeoisie. Just policies that would more closely align us with the civilized world, like socialized healthcare. Your 401k will be fine.

While fighting and football are distinct skills, Id expect more carry-over in a world-class athlete. Both these guys look like jamokes.

This White Guilt guy is nuts, but the article does seem to elide decades of corruption and oppression at the hands of its own leaders. It is possible that lots of factors contribute to a failed state. It’s sort of dumb (and insulting to Haitians) to examine the whole tragedy of Haiti and chalk it up to “white people di

He should, but GPA doesn’t count as much as SAT/ACT scores. I think it’s because GPAs are often inflated and vary among schools? In any case, I would think it’s a better predictor of success in college than standardized test scores.

cdawg14's got the self-righteousness covered, so dont bother, Bernie bros.

Having to live with the consequences of your vote isnt being discriminated against. You might even call it justice, or reaping what you sow, or whatever. Either way, it happens too rarely in politics.

lol@ being afraid of black people in Severn.

My wife teaches in district in the DC area. Some areas have poverty issues, etc., but whenever she tells anyone her district, the response is usually some variation of that must be challenging. Really, it’s a fine school, with good staff and parents. Perfectly average middle class, but its ~95% black, so people

I needed to get a real car to replace my Miata and I really like these, but an automatic on such a neat car would be too disappointing. i went with FoST.

Urban explorers is taken. It refers to people who break into abandoned buildings or industrial ruins for fun. I dont know if they are all white.

That red interior is really sharp.

I went from a skinny round on my NC Miata to an 18 FoST. The 7 o clock position works fine for me. On the highway: arm on leg, hand holding the wheel.

Allen Edmonds (Wisconsin) comes to mind.

Youre right. Also, if you call the police on your boss for their privilege, you can fully expect to be fired, so maybe dont do that one.

Yeah, mustard all the way. Its versatile, there are a million ways to make it, and can even add texture with seeds or whatever.

Is the mayosapien just based on color, or do white people eat more mayonnaise?

Michael Harriot’s great and all, but is he “one of the foremost intellectuals/writers in the country?”