This was a private study conducted by PayScale.
I don’t understand.
Yeah, as a police officer assigned to a school, this isn’t some freak event he couldn’t have considered beforehand. If your job demands you might face a real chance of death, you need to do the mental work beforehand and get yourself okay with that before it comes up.
You’re giving him too much credit. The Cheshire Cat smile hints at something sly or underhanded going on behind it.
My sister is a little over 6'. She’s taller than me, and for the longest time, she would sort of hunch over a bit, like she didn’t want to tower. I think she stands a straighter now, but it always made me a little sad.
What does this even mean? It’s an athletic competition. She’ll probably lose, but nobody (even a cheater) passes on a chance to play someone like Serena.
It’s definitely one-sided, but she’s still spent years in the top five, and is one of a few people to have beaten Serena in a GS. She’s fading though.
Are there any black people in positions of power in the show? It sort of seemed like an implied “POC are second-class citizens” situation. But you’re right, narratively, it doesn’t make sense to not address that.
I think that would be more than fair; that guy is an absolute scumbag. At the same time, a guy was in a highway with no sirens or signage. All good intentions aside, that is risky and anyone might have hit him.
I’m not sure how much safer you could make this race without fundamentally altering the course. It’s a roadrace surrounded in a lot of spots by ancient stone things and trees. You can add chicanes, tire walls, etc when possible, but it will never be as safe as a track, or a car.
I was wondering this (and couldn’t quickly find the data). Bikes are faster, but they also brake and handle better. Safety gear is also better.
I’m way behind the curve on this, but my wife’s new Toyota has adaptive cruise control. You wouldn’t think it, but goddamn if it doesn’t make long road trips so much better.
That’s a good point--I never considered that critically. Why would the demographic makeup of a country affect the logistics of energy policy (or healthcare or whatever)? Only if your concern is making sure immigrants don’t get anything.
What’s truly baffling is CarMax’s Toyota dealerships. They sell new Toyotas at two locations, one in Wisconsin and one in Laurel, MD. They use the same no-haggle thing.
“On Tuesday, Roseanne Barr said that she was leaving Twitter after she compared former presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett to a primate.”
I love doing this. CarMax doesn’t give you the absolute highest number you might get, but it’s usually pretty good, and will keep other dealerships from screwing you quite so readily. CarMax offered my wife $8000 for her junky Outback. The Toyota place she was shopping at seemed genuinely offended when they asked what…
Good luck with Dark Souls. it’s the best
It’s not literally homogeneous, in the strictest sense. But, really: