Portion Control Joel

Bear spray, or any pepper type spray designed for animals, is also effective against cougars.

he was probably deadlifting (he has straps on his wrists) and anything lifting your feet from the ground will affect leverage. so he was probably in just socks for the lift.

I didn’t realize even the Focus was that small. I just assumed it would work for any single car seat. thanks for the heads up.

This sounds interesting. I looked for this but couldn’t find anything--do you have a link or more details?

Sometimes you want to go to a drive-in movie and can’t have any exterior lighting on your car.

I’ve been using restrooms for decades and I’ve never seen an undressed person just hanging out. If that’s how you spend time in public bathrooms, I think we’ve found the problem here.

They’re also at work. It’s the insidious “gainfully employed welfare mooch” we hear so much about.

to be fair, he should have never been flying in Vietnam to begin with. If he wasn’t well-connected, his military career would have been short and undistinguished, and not involved piloting a plane (and getting shot down).

Yeah, maybe I’m an aberration, but I find my tastes have aged with me. I’m in my 30s, though. there’s probably a ceiling somewhere.

Agreed. Greenwell’s take on Coolhand Luke is solid, though. Those eggs, man.

At the College Park one, which would be closest to Georgetown, you can. They’re like 40 cents and taste like mid-grade cat food.

It makes no sense. He’s yelling at employed people, at work, about paying for their “welfare.” I don’t know their financial situation, but accusing people of being lazy welfare mooches at their place of employment seems dumb.

That’s true, but von Trier saying some spectacularly ill-advised, seemingly unplanned remark isn’t quite as bad as a pedophile fleeing justice over the course of several decades.

Yeah, nobody worth a damn is weeping over these dead Taliban. In terms of tone, people dying in war is hard to joke about, especially in the corporate context of USAF twitter. At the very least, it’s unprofessional.

There’s a red one of these in my neighborhood. It’s both rare and forgettable, and it takes way longer to identify than it should. like, “what the hell is that? oh right, that big, dumb infiniti convertible.” and then I forget it exists again almost instantly.

It’s not like an actual RR is out of reach for most people. Granted, keeping it running will leave you penniless, but good judgment isn’t part of the equation in any of these cars.

full disclosure: I am shopping the STs and this is actually near my house so I’d seen this listing before. i don’t think a car seat will fit in the back of the FiST though

Fewer truck drivers on the road, wherever the profit goes, makes me happy. Those people are the absolute worst, most selfish, inconsiderate drivers in the world and they can’t go away soon enough.

Why would anyone want to live somewhere where people walk around with goddamn guns on them all the time? I can’t tell if you are joking.