This makes a lot of sense, actually. It’s in the interest of a car dealership or lender to dick over as many people as hard as possible, right? For whatever reason (cultural, unconscious bias, etc), it’s just easier to dick over minorities?
Here is a take:
I didn’t realize it wasn’t the same woman in 3 different costumes until I read the article.
Big dogs meeting cats = I’m melting
This picture is empty and everyone’s gone. it looks like the world’s blandest, most efficient dystopia movie.
The LC is the only Lexus that can pull the “baroque monster” look off. It is not pretty, but it is cohesive and striking and I sort of love it. Those wheels are unfortunate, though.
Physical attraction doesn’t have to reflect any deep-seated psychic scars or something. It’s rarely even a conscious thing. She’s not saying she thinks no black guy could ever be attractive, she just likes being with a certain type of guy.
Yeah, but it’s from a while ago.
Students should be free to do whatever they want in their moment on the stage, but if it’s slowing things down, fuck that. The worst feeling in the world is sitting in the sun in a black polyester robe, sweating whiskey, and just seething at the 9 hour ceremony.
This is a good take, but aren’t they mocking him based on his own backward view of masculinity? He’s failing in the exact, narrow way he defines masculine, so fair game for mockery.
I saw a Chrysler 300 some asshole glued a Demon badge to in the parking lot this morning. probably about the same as this.
Michelle Wolf is white.
The 419 scam is racist, but you are getting too hot over a CL ad using it as shorthand for scammers. Expecting craigslist ads to examine these kinds of things sounds exhausting.
the MkII wheels are so good.
bunch of sexy beasts