
My wife used to tell me about how popular cosmetic surgery was in Asia and I always thought she was exaggerating - until I actually saw the sheer number of cosmetic surgery centers in Korea and Taiwan. A lot of them would advertise before/after pictures which were on par with Julie's pictures.

Related question - do any other guys ever get paranoid about the condom breaking when you're coming? I've never had one break in the past but..

This probably sounds presumptuous but I believe most guys think they'd prefer pulling out because they're confusing the question with a different one (whether they prefer condoms or not)

What works for you doesn't have to work for everyone else - so don't be hard on yourself. Same time, I can see how someone might possibly get offended by the idea if they were coming from a monogamous mindset. Just a suggestion, maybe you can tweak your approach a bit to figure out if she's more on your wavelength?