...but enough about the Donald Trump presidency, what about Mazepin?
...but enough about the Donald Trump presidency, what about Mazepin?
*ahem, I believe it’s “pourquoi-pas les deux???” then*
We can keep arguing about how to tax transportation, which is always regressive in some form.
My bad, phrasing was unclear. Intent was that the Vibe is the twin brother, with the Vue being the Vibe’s stoned uncle.
I literally forgot that water sports exist. You win this round.
Outdoorsy Boulder type (I can smell the patchouli from my house!), checking in with a No Dice vote. This really is a Baja successor, in the sense that it answers the utterly confounding question of: how do you make a less useful Subaru Outback?
Kinja links are broken, but look up C&D’s story called “The Shock of a Hondafied Vue.” It’s a good read.
I’d personally go for the Matrix’s twin brother’s underrated, kinda-stoned-all-the-time uncle: the Saturn Vue.
Specifically, the incoming influx of those people is spiking land values around there. And the only way for the track’s buyer to get a return on investment is to develop it into residential-commercial whatever.
I grew up a couple miles from both a dragstrip and an outdoor music venue, and you could hear both perfectly from my family’s house. As much as that sound was annoying, it thankfully didn’t go on all night, every night...unlike the parade of dickheads street racing their straight-piped Accords and diesel trucks on the…
Honest question: at what point does an electric motorcycle become so small and range-limited that you’re better off just getting an e-bike?
Yeah but then you need to somehow move the transmission back to account for the increased mass of the more powerful engine, assuming you’re keeping with the ethos of balanced weight.
Bought a clean Miata for $3500 February 2020! Granted, it took some repeated searches, and nearly everything else at that price point is ratted out, but it’s doable.
Meanwhile, I will see that you scrolled straight past the first two paragraphs of this article :)
To quote the fine folks of Dawes: it’s a little bit of everything.
Once you’ve panned left-to-right across the page, just hold it up to a mirror and go back the other way. Bam, analog 360-degree view, baby! (assuming the car is symmetrical)
I would guess an RX-7.
So is that your actual car, or is just the default screen when you enter your car’s make as “Alfa Romeo”?