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    My go-to for long trips. And by “long,” I mean the roughly 9 minutes it takes for me to eat the entire container like a complete slob.

    My retired librarian neighbor has “ISSSSHU” on her V70. After half a year of fruitless conjecture, turns out it was "I shush you." And yes, I found that hilarious. 

    Small counterpoint: that “hilariously unnecessary 6-gear manual mode” is the bees knees for engine braking back down from whatever Washington/Oregon/Colorado/Vermont mountain you just spent the day hiking. 

    Looks like an exotic. Sounds DEFINITELY like an exotic to get you noticed, and you can save all that extra money for the house (and what I can only assume are horrifying amounts of Italian sports car maintenance).

    Longtime Denverite here. Usually y’all’s suggestions are spot-on and quirky and uncanny and great, but these are a whiff. AWD really is a requisite in Denver, both for ski season and for summer, when some hiking trailheads really do require some extra grip (and a touch of ground clearance). The remaining option