$8 bucks is a lot, it’s less than $6 where I am.
$8 bucks is a lot, it’s less than $6 where I am.
This type of question is a great reminder that “No” is a complete sentence.
I eat them because I don’t care for the way meat is affecting my body as of late. This way I get more or less the same experience but in general feel a lot better. I am largely apathetic to the environmental/ethical aims these products are looking to solve.
I’m trying to tap into the optimist in me and say “this is a good thing because people should be held accountable for their actions” but the not-so-optimist (can’t decide between pessimist or cynic) is wondering “Did they just put a price tag on this action?”
This sounds pretty dope, but is it weird that I read “Flintstone Dick” and immediately assumed (correctly it seems) that Issa Rae was involved?
I’m unclear on where the lie is.
I’ve always been conflicted about these things. On one hand, I am fairly certain that the logistics involved here inevitably lead to the restaurants losing money. On the other hand there are several restaurants from whom I DoorDash that I would never order from otherwise for mostly convenience reasons but also because…
I’m currently in a vegan-ish phase and I just had Beyond Meat Hot Italian for the first time last night. Those things are the real deal. Field Roasts are hot garbage by comparison and I can’t stand tofu so I won’t be trying the other one.
Sure, that’s fair, just seems like sloppy reporting.
I find it interesting how most of the coverage is ignoring the fact that he donated the award to charity. He seems to have been simply making a point that this site has itself made in that this was an admirable but incredibly flawed campaign. Considering it seems they legitimately did violate the law in the execution…
I have no problem letting ads display on the sites I go to as long as it isn’t horrible. The way GMG does their ads reminds me of Geocities.
I’m unclear as to why there are other articles after this one. This is clearly the only news regarding food that I ever need to hear again.
“I’d like to send this dish back, tastes a little like dead guy”
It took me about 3 episodes to realize what kind of show I was even watching. That being said I’ve enjoyed it immensely since episode 1.
For the same reason people get excited about movie trailers. Being excited about things is fun for a lot of people (myself included). I wouldn’t say I’m over the moon for the stuff today but I do want to find out what they’ve got planned. That and it’s actually a lot easier for me to just hear them talk about it then…
As a Cavs fan who has gone to several Raptors/Cavs playoff meetings, I always hated them because the Raptors fans travel so well and are incredibly passionate. That is a darn cool story.
Did they keep the step where they add a layer of grease on top?
That sounds like something a Mad Queen would say...
You have perfectly described how I feel, I wasn’t able to realize that this is the uneasiness I’ve been feeling about it all season.
As a Cavs fan, I’ve had my fill of the Raptors in the playoffs. I’ll take 76ers and Bucks.