
Chilling yes. However it gives the media room to push back. Twitter is not a long term media strategy. I know the folks who just recently discovered it believe so. But it’s not. The media has the ability to freeze them out. Now do they have the heart to do so? We will see.

I’d get your arguement if it weren’t batshit crazy and ignored certain historical facts. We can start with the 60s. Yes, the Dixiecrats were the largest collection of racists prior to the signing of the civil rights act. But which party picked up the Dixiecrat mantle after LBJ signed the civil rights act? Which party

No problem. My family is from the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia, and my wife’s folks are from Natchez, MS. Let me assure you, there are some characters in those back woods.

The uncle ruckus types. You know the beyond turncoat, turncoat. They sat in the theater & watched Stephen control the situation, even took the lead for ol Leo in a few spots. Thought to themselves, “see that’s one assertive negro”. Oh yes they exist. Came across a few in my day.

Oh please let someone while on live tv hold up a phone or tablet with their lie right there for all to see. Pause one moment, look SS in the eyes and yell to the mountain top, “Yes! I AM CALLING YOU BOTH LIARS!”.

There’s a group in our community that believes Stephen was the good guy in “Django Unchained”. My daughter calls that group Black Republicans.

As a person who despises Uggs it’s not like I need another reason to say fuck that guy. But hey, I’m here, he’s a douche. Fuck that guy.

We agree. But that last sentence. Nothing but the truth.

That I get. But it’s the “joining” I will never be okay with. It’s not a recruiting office, there isn’t a uniform. However what your speaking of is what some of my coworkers & friends from my youth went through. None of them ever decided to Dolezal themselves. But they did, many times over, call out racism and put

All you heard was poppa don’t hit me no more.

Never really understood the need to join another race. You are who you are. Chill the hell out and help where you can. Besides if your white we could use that help a fuck of a lot more than spray tan orange.

Yep, it’s a teary Tuesday. That young lady at her age sharing this to the exact people she feels less than. I adore her strength. My wife is a gorgeous dark skinned queen from Mississippi and has fought these same feelings since childhood. As she has strengthened herself and now teaches our daughter. You are

Would have respected her more had she gone with an orange font.