
This is exactly wrong. Ford is and has been profitable. They kicked out the old CEO despite this because their long term profitability looked like shit. They brought the new guy in to further maximize profitability in the short term by cutting low margin lines of business (cars) and then invest in future lines of

The Focus is incredibly popular ON THIS SITE.  In reality, it sells about half as many as Toyota sells Corollas.

It’s because they have no clear autonomous electric synergistic buzzword buzzword buzzwords.

Hot take:

This sounds more like shitty parenting

That’s $4180 in options. Why did the price go up 9 grand?

So you’re the other one ;) I use mine all the time. It took a while to get used to the stalk returning to center thing, and the half-press for 3 blinks thing.

How on earth do you afford the fluid top ups at the BMW dealer if you use it that willy nilly?

There was no apology in your previous statement. That said, I will drop the issue. Have a good day.

If you’re going to be attacking a group’s level of intelligence, you might want to work on your own grammar. It is atrocious. In addition, I’m pretty sure that “brightest rocks in the pile” isn’t the correct idiom.

I will readily admit that I’m an Aggie-but come on, really? Blanket generalizations are never a good idea. There are plenty of dumb grads, but there also just as many intelligent ones...just like there are at most any other large university.

^^^ not a graduate of A&M.

I don’t think he’s a graduate.