
It is beyond insane.

I totally agree with you. I’m also super bothered that people are like meh, he’s closeted so let’s move on.

People are super self-unaware. This is part of the reason I hate going to the movies.

I haven’t seen either yet and your take on Call Me By My Name is part of the reason.

Sometimes I wonder if the whole Gawker/Gizmodo media group just uses voice texts. I make typos so I get it. But pension/penchant and past/passed are just too close for anything other than voice text.


Everything I’m reading implies that he volunteered it, but I’m not getting any real clarity on the story at all.

Yeah, I just read about that and how he said an elderly man hit his head and was bleeding at Maralago. He said that he and all the other rich people there moved out of the way because they didn’t want to see all that.

I was hoping Jim Acosta would ask, “Is he trained in disarming someone with his bare hands while hundred of people are screaming, crying, trampling each other and watching people’s brains get blown out?”

Haven’t trans folk already been in the military?

Trying to find more detail on the actual court transcript, but apparently, he told her not to worry about him being aroused while they were tandem skydiving because he was gay.

All Things Considered reported that as they were preparing for a tandem skydive he told her don’t worry about him getting aroused while he’s attached to her because he’s gay. I spent four minutes listening to that story and not understanding how this became a sexuality/protected class issue when ATC reported that she

Can one of you legal Jezzies help me out here with this?

She was actually 24 when it happened, but yeah I feel you.

Exactly. How about these men just don’t rape?

Very true. If you watched the clip where Charen said instead of leaning in, she leaned out to stay home and raise three sons. Like, what the fuck? So you had a spouse who could support an entire family of five and then, after years away from the workplace, got snatched right up to start working at a well-known (albeit

Exactly. And what is this about NRA members, who pay $40/year, getting discounted flights to the annual convention?

NPR has been giving regular updates on the VP of News who was fired and harassment claims in their organization.

Can’t figure out why it just bugs you so much? I have a guess.

I’m sure you’d like to see her tap dancing a bit more, right?