
I’m cynical enough to think both of those parents could’ve been horrors. While creeps like these people often bargain on falling through the cracks, a lot of times abusers are charmers.

The Cranberries were kind of way off in the background of my high school and college years. I knew the words because their songs were everywhere.

I’ve never liked him. This white dude who was into me showed me his comedy special about 10 years ago because I used to watch ComicView and Aziz Ansari “parodied” ComicView. 1) This told me I would not be seeing that white dude and 2) Black folk are just minstrels to Aziz Ansari.

Cue the few members of the GOP who’ve even thought of touching #IQ45's statements (stole that nickname from someone on twitter).

Just going to cross-post what I wrote at the Root earlier:

I thought that the majority of season 1 stuck to the book and I was cool with that. However, some of it was straight up misery porn. The scene with Serena keeping Offred in the van was FOUL.

Tell it.

Thank you. They don’t own the workplace.

Yeah, I don’t get this at all. I don’t know who the blonde woman in the photo is and what this says about anything.

France, the UK, Portugal, Belgium I can go on and on are all full-on farces. They created seas of red tape by colonizing Black and Brown countries, taking their natural resources, enslaving their human resources and then making their languages and systems of measurement primary there.

There are too many to list.

I always agree with you. Ha.

Babies and toddlers are mobile. If you like to be on planes and go to different cities or countries, they can go as well and for free for the first two years they exist.

That was such a what the fuck moment. The NFL? Ugh. He’s such a charlatan. He even lied about his college and religious education. He’s disgustingly ignorant and those blue color contacts need to go.


Wow. This hits hard. I grew up watching my mom and her sisters listen to Denise. Then my generation got older and understood it for ourselves.

Now playing

The Fitness Marshall does super simple three to five minute dance workouts. This is great if you’re really new to things and just want a bit of activity. He’s even had his grandmother join him and she has no rhythm. This is my favorite one. People of all sizes and abilities are featured.

Totally agree with this. Very well put.

I used to be that way with compliments about my looks because I never believed the person who said it (my own issues). My mom always told me I was beautiful, but she was my mom. Finally one guy I dated said if someone’s giving you a compliment, take it. They mean it.

Came here to say the same thing.