
I agree with you that this is all too convenient and I still think something shady went down.

Oh my goodness... Kate and Allie. I loved that show.

Your comment reminds me of a section of the Transatlantic Slave Trade exhibit in the new National African American Museum.

I wish I’d heard about this last week. I just bought my son a barbershop book for the holidays. I’ll have to order one next month.

I am terrible at playing any card game. I don’t have the patience for them.

Sounds like a great plan. Where do I sign up?

We also insult her boss for his slovenly appearance, meter-length ties and body that looks like a hefty bag filled with potatoes. She hasn’t done a thing to be spared.

You haven’t said anything that isn’t true.

Say it again from for those of them in the back row.

Right there with you.

Wow. Your story stopped me in my tracks. I’m glad you’re out.

They’ll write about it just like they’ve written about the whole of U.S. history. Depravity, violence and exploitation is where we live.

His ex-wife was quite a bit older than he was, however.

My opinion is if all of these people really wanted to see you on their timeline and so quickly after you eloped, they should have financed it.

If you can wait, wait. I am reading that this housing bubble is about to pop soon, but that’s all up to chance.

By the time I got to the end of your second sentence I was cheering, so you’re not alone in your thoughts.

I’ve always heard there’s no point in bad mouthing the other parent - especially a shitty ex. They’ll do enough of their own bad P.R.

Get Our Family Wizard. It’s a third-party portal system for emailing about kids and kids only. It’s $99/year per parent and, in my case, everything in it is court-admissible. You can upload documents, photos and videos and maintain a calendar. I only email and do attachments that involve schoolwork docs and photos. I

Looking great and it seems she’s doing even better.

There was a woman who tweeted that she’d been sexually harassed on the street ages ago by a stranger and it didn’t mean anything to her. Her tweet went viral when the first reply was something like if it didn’t mean anything to you and you didn’t know the guy, why in the world do you remember the details so long after?