
His heart won’t break. People like this are miserable and don’t know love because they don’t love themselves.

My take on this is similar to what a Jezzie said a while back about abusers. Is he like that with everyone or just you? Does he tell his bosses, coworkers and siblings how weak they’re being or brag about his resilience to them?


My master’s adviser told me the same thing when I turned 30 and I’ve not forgotten it. He said it’s the decade where your physical strength, emotional strength and intellectual capacity are all on par.

Your school should have a work-based learning or experiential learning office dedicated to vetting employers and maintaining the “contracts” between you and the internship location.

When my son was six or seven WEEKS old, my ex would not let me sleep. Now, mind you, mothers are supposed to sleep when babies sleep. I remember telling him “just let me sleep. I’m going to have to be up in an hour or two and do all of the changing and feeding all over again.” He said “if you’re in this house in the

Yes, he is somebody’s dad. But he wasn’t a 40-year-old dad in 1992 and he looks like it here.

Telling Black men to shut up, are you?

I think the clothes aren’t doing him a favor. He and every other trying too hard “alternative” or hipster Black artist out there are holding on to normcore like it’s a full-time job. Please let it go.

Isn’t the statistic that 30% of white Southerners are part Black and don’t know it?

I agree with you that there are old school ways of doing things. And that’s the problem. It’s time to turn up on these motherfuckers and get what’s ours. So now she’s just going to stay there.

Are you talking about Rachel Maddow?

I know I’m not the first to say it, but absolutely. I can’t stand Aziz Ansari, but I heard so much about this episode.

There’s been a ton of bad acting this season- a ton. And Melina Matsoukas is a brilliant director, but direction and clever edits from scene to scene can’t make the acting better.

Do you. If someone comes along later, you’ll figure it out then. If you get a lower-paying job, correct for that now by buying at the maximum you could live with on a smaller salary.

HGTV has had same sex couples, single women, elderly folks and interracial couples on their U.S.-produced shows for upwards of 15 years. I used to actually say HGTV was the gayest network on television. Regardless, it’s the most diverse.

You’d think. Problem is all those pointless pieces of legislation end up costing states more money. Remember when Texas had an uptick in births and suddenly needed more Medicaid?

This reminds me of the story of that Pizzagate shooter. He’d run over a Black child on a back road just weeks before he drove to DC. There are no updates on that part of the story, however he’s already been sentenced for Pizzagate.

Man, that sucks about your commute. That’s a lot of time taken up when you can apply it to your dissertation.

Thirty to 40 minutes isn’t a terribly long distance to see friends. If they haven’t been enticed out to see your place yet, maybe plan a small, informal house warming.