
Again, that’s making yourself and your home a resource for her. I don’t see anything wrong with throwing that out there. But, don’t put any pressure on her.

Oh wow. I didn’t even think of that. Fuck him.

All. the. time.

I agree with Tammster. I’m a DV survivor and you can’t leave until you’re ready. I tried twice and on the third time, I stayed gone. The average woman makes seven attempts before leaving for good.

Don’t renew him and, if I’m frank, let him go now.

Too often we put the needs and the future of the abuser or assaulter before ours. It’s not worth it to do that. I’d notify someone promptly or at least send yourself an email detailing the incident and anything he may have said to you after it. That way you have documentation going forward.

This shit is on white folks. Point, blank, period. There’s a problem in this country and it isn’t us. If that’s too harsh for your sensitive ears, don’t go to a Black site. Are you upset at activists like Sarah Thyre saying face it white people you need to check your racist or “well-meaning” family members? Well,

I didn’t get why she jumped in with the whole Kara thing in this post myself. However (for a conversation on a different day) I also thought Kara was wack for that. She couldn’t speak to what those women were doing before or after she saw them.

Not today. It’s not about you today. And that’s the problem with this goddam country. It’s always about white folks when it shouldn’t be.

Charlottesville, not Charlotte. Otherwise, thanks for all of the info.

Now playing

I can never not dance when I play this. It also gets me so choked up because the kids in this are so fucking cute and joyful. We very, very rarely get to see Black boys being joyful in media.

My toddler was Prince last year. I have framed pics of it throughout my office and home. It always makes me smile.

Now the CVille mayor is saying someone has died. This is so tragic. I knew this morning, when I woke up to this shit, that someone was going to be killed.

This is so tragic and now someone has died. I knew this morning, when I woke up to this shit, that someone was going to be killed.

I have not recovered from these two sentences. I can’t stop laughing.

She doesn’t work out? Have you seen the videos of her being pushed around in office chairs and chairs specially made for people to push her around. She does not move of her own volition a chunk of her life. She isn’t going to work out.

Thank you. You got that for life.

I can’t say that any films or tv shows make the condom conversation or use obvious. But, usually there are cutaways and a time lapse so you can kind of figure that maybe, possibly, somehow there was a condom. This is glaring, however. Like, we’re seeing entire acts from beginning to end.

Yeah, that’s the one. It was just disgusting. Like, that was his moment. Why are you kissing him? Who are you trying to prove this to her, us or yourself?

It’s not that great. For me, it’s just a show that has people who look like me and it’s set where I grew up and worked. But, it’s really one-dimensional. It’s not thought-provoking. It’s fine.