i would’ve called the cops for them playing a fivesome
i would’ve called the cops for them playing a fivesome
Fuck yes! Bomb it or start running hot laps around them in the golf cart. I’ve found that the bigger asshole I am, the more likely I am to be let through.
Whatever happened to just bombing it into the group in front of you playing too slow and getting into some good ole fashioned fisticuffs? Gotta make golf exciting somehow. Geez. And also GOLF: Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden. Geez Louise.
Wow, this team’s motto truly should be “Nah, maybe we should just pass instead!”
Your dry t-shirt contest promotion sounds awesome.
I mean I get your point, but JFK was screwing interns two at a time in the White House pool. LBJ used to fuck people on the floor of the oval office. And we all know what Clinton did.
It’s not booze, it’s golf getting more popular as a spectator sport and people who are brought up with less of a sense of decorum coming to tournaments.
Where’s the problem?
Lots of ex-players become entrepreneurs.
I know we joke around here a lot, and despite what our girlfriends say, we are ok at it. But whoever did this, show yourself. This shit is brilliant and I’m dying.
Derek Jeter is setting a great example for the rest of Florida by attempting to purge the Marlins of every arm they’ve got.
Not really. Its to pump as many articles as possible out to justify this sites continued existence. And then pat themselves on the back for being brave enough to publish this garbage.
wait so, what was he supposed to do? like after the lawsuit was settled was he just supposed to stop snowboarding forever and go live in a cabin in the woods or
Who gives a shit?
Do you get anxiety from the price? Because that’s how you get anxiety. Blankets are the easiest thing to make. Make a tied fleece blanket and add layering in the middle....boom custom homemade “weighted” blanket at almost no cost and the satisfaction of doing it yourself.
Do you get anxiety from the price? Because that’s how you get anxiety. Blankets are the easiest thing to make. Make…
I’m from Sweden so the only thing I know about american football is that I fucking can’t stand Tom Brady
I don’t buy it. It’s in the best interests of the league to have the largest media markets possible in the Super Bowl and London is way bigger than Boston.
You’re fired. No disrespect.
The Kaepernick trip this site has been on is every bit as loathsome as the ESPN/Tebow saga.
I hope the agent enjoys his ten percent off these contracts. And that he does not smoke all the cigs in one day.