
MMOs just need to do this... GW2 did it and it was fantastic. I actually read/watched/cared about the story. Textwalls are no bueno. Quit it devs.

Sweet, now DA:I is over they’ve got a chance to make a better game that doesn’t:

That’s the spirit!

I thought he handled the bad writing perfectly. And no, voice actors can’t always “do fine” when they are given terrible content to work with. That’s like saying a good actor can save a film with a bad script and direction. That is simply not the case. Sure, critics can point out that the actor did well for the most

And I agree with her. Of course they’re not suitable for running around a jungle. Anyone with half a brain knows that. It was a very specific part of her character. They served a very specific purpose.

In defense of the Notorious High Heels, Bryce Dallas Howard wanted it in the movie because she believed it suited the character

As much as I like the new Nolan 343 Guilty Spark impression, I still have absolutely no issue with Dinklage’s performance. He was given shit lines to say, and he said them as I expected a robot to say them; with just a hint of emotion. You can only do so much with bad/corny writing, and Dinklage’s deadpan delivery is

So that’s why dogs are always sniffing anises.

And then he had the ceiling cave in and kill everybody with no saves, because some DMs are dicks with power issues.

with the results varying from nearly-anorexic (China and Italy) to technically overweight (hi, Spain)

This one doesn’t apply, third person view is different from first person view. You don’t grow a second head out of your asshole in third person games, clearly a cameraturtle on a floating cloud is following you.

My own clubs?

I’d be more excited if they said they’re going to make keeping friends less of a hassle. It seemed like majority of time spent in Sims 4 was keeping relationships up so you could progress in your life.

Well didn’t she basically say the next day that that she wouldn’t have gone with her and that she wasn’t being exploited but that she was perfectly fine living that lifestyle?

she went with Ani

These girls are actually quite refreshing to look at in all seriousness. So well done that they could actually pass as Final Fantasy characters with a lot of personality and background based on just their looks. They look more individualized than their bro counterparts.

This is way more appealing for me. Dunno why, I don’t personally have an issue with the all male group (although, I do totally see why the complaints were made, and agree that they’re valid).

I would buy the shit out of it if I could play as an all female group. But knowing Square, they’d probably call Limit Breaks (or their equivalent) PMS.

I don't know Lupin. Can I start watching it without knowing of its universe?