
I can't believe I wasted countless hours trying to level up my characters in Disgaea... That grind was terrible.

The developers do realize that millia is a form of acne/skincare issue, right?

I feel like sunglasses indoors is a major fashion faux-pas, even for Anna Wintour.

Gimme Helix!!!

Damn fatal frame would be a great addition to the switch library.

Theres a lot of board game stores, bars, or faces where you can meet new friends who love board games! 

Song is a bop

ANOTHER fire emblem character!?

Im glad someone else is shocked that LuLu Wang didn't receive a nod for best director. The scene where the protag and her grandmother are having a conversation while her cousin and his wife are awkwardly taking marriage pics in the bg was SUCH a great moment and framing device that illustrates the whole movie HNNGH

yes, it seems to be dominated by rap and r&b. Rap and r&b have been so good in the 2010z

How the hell are they going to have a season 2?

Love a good concept album! Definitely check out Fiery Furnaces' Blueberry Boat or Widow City

Ok maybe not Mai but there are dozens of more iconic characters in KoF than TERRY. 

No 100 baby challenge? For shame!

No adaptation love!?

Making a grity/edge-lordy anime isn’t exactly a risk anymore. It’s just retreading well worn ground. 

Eureka called.

I hate how they don’t have a sale frontpage. I can’t easily find where the sale items are.